Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the passenger who perished on Southwest Flight 1380, en route from New York to Dallas on April 17, 2018. To help raise safety awareness please read these must know emergency tips from Survival Systems USA.
Often, your career or lifestyle requires you to fly. Your ability to react to a sudden in-flight emergency is important to produce the best possible outcome on board. The best outcome means preparation before the emergency occurs. Understanding what to expect during a high-altitude emergency is part of the preparation.
During a rapid loss of cabin pressure, such as what was experienced during the Southwest flight, you can expect to feel the effects of hypoxia combined with loud noises, limited visibility, and hazardous flying debris. Depending on the altitude that you are at when the loss of cabin pressure occurs, you might find that your time of useful consciousness is less than 1 minute. Given that short timeframe, it is essential that you keep the following in mind:
- Have a heightened sense of awareness during the critical phases of flight. During Takeoff, Ascent, Descent, and Landing the aircraft frame is under the most stress and your altitude is relatively low.
- Your Seatbelt should be on at all times. During the emergency is not the time to sit back and snug it up.
- Keep Loose Articles to a minimum and put away anything that could become flying debris.
- Reaffirm your Nearest Emergency Exit by counting the rows and seats between you and the exit.
- If the Oxygen Mask drops, immediately place over your nose and mouth.
- Follow written and verbal crewmember instructions.
- If you forget the rest, at a minimum, Brace for impact and remain in this position until all violent motion stops.
7 Safety Tips for Airline Passengers

Memorize these simple safety tips before your next flight

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Survival Systems USA, Inc.
144 Tower Avenue Groton, CT 06340