Aviation Survival & Egress Training Course (DTC2/ASET2): 2-day/16 hrs
Aviation Survival & Egress Training Accelerated Course (DTC3/ASET3): 1-day/8 hrs
Mobile Training Team (MTT): 1-day/6-7 hrs (multiple days can be scheduled consecutively)
f. Aircraft engaged in over-water flight will adhere to the following requirements:
(3) Helicopter aircrews performing over-water operations that are required to wear life preservers per paragraph 8–11f(1) should be shallow water egress trainer (SWET) or modular egress training simulator (METS) (commonly referred to as dunker) qualified, current, and carry an approved emergency breathing system (EBS). Aircrews performing deck landing operations will be SWET or METS qualified, current, and carry an approved EBS. Initial qualification and recur-rent training will be entered in the flight records during the annual closeout.
For units who would prefer to send their personnel to participate in the full dunker course (either the 1 day or 2 day program) with Emergency Breathing System, our Groton Training Center in Groton, CT is available and open for your use year round. The facility features program that adhere to the requirements outlined in the above AR 95-1 and which have been used by both active duty and National Guard personnel both in CONUS and OCONUS. The facility fields a Modular Egress Training Simulator (METS®) which can be configured to match any number of Army aircraft, including UH-60 and CH-47. The Groton facility also has the ONLY UH-72 cockpit doors in existence for METS® simulators anywhere in the world. And with Ft. Rucker now closed, the Groton facility has one of only two Apache METS® simulators in the world. The second located at Camp Humphreys, S. Korea. So if you fly the aircraft the Army is flying - we have the doors for you to use in training!
Army Aviation
Dunker Training
"On behalf of our Commander, we want to extend our sincere gratitude to your team for the superb training provided to us last week. Your business staff made the process easy and was very accommodating to our specific needs. The training team personnel were consummate professionals from the first handshake through the last climb out of the pool. They kept everyone engaged during the classroom training, and in the water they created a safe and challenging environment for the aircrew members of this brigade. It was inspiring to watch them work with the soldiers who either had not done this training previously or who had difficulty with the skills initially, they were truly great teachers. Not once did they check a clock, they got out of the water when the job was done. If someone needed more time to get through, the team stayed until the last person had succeeded. We hope this is the first of many opportunities we will have to work with you to continue to train our aircrews." – US Military Client
Does your unit have an upcoming over-water mission? Are you in need of AR 95-1 compliant dunker training? If you aren't already aware, the HOST facility at Ft. Rucker conducted its last day of training on 29 June 2018 due to a change in Flight School requirements. For the rest of Army Aviation, the AR 95-1 requirement continues.
Army personnel operating aircraft engaged in over-water flight are required to adhere to Army Regulation 95-1 - Page 50, Section 8-11, f(3)_22Mar2018.
AR 95-1 Compliant
Company C, 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, prepares to submerge during a Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Daphney Black)
Army's Underwater Egress Training Aims to Improve Survival Rates
By Sgt. Daphney Black July 10, 2018
FORT CARSON, Colo. -- Soldiers with the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade recently took the mystery out of how to escape from a submerged helicopter. From April 23- 27, pilots and air crews assigned to 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, enhanced water survival skills during a Helicopter Underwater Egress Training event. The multi-day event was conducted at the Iron Horse Sports and Fitness Center's indoor pool, which taught pilots, aircrews and medics how to react during a water landing. "The training is about emergency and survival," said Chief Warrant Officer 5 Douglas Sanders, standardization instructor pilot, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade. "If something goes wrong it's pretty unlikely that the crew members are going to do something they have never done before." In a simulated setting, the Soldiers learn to take the correct actions to survive should they ever have to make a water landing. Strapped into a Shallow Water Egress Trainer, or SWET, chair, a device that looks like a chair surrounded by a roll cage, the Soldiers are pushed into the pool and must escape. The chair simulates a crew member strapped into their seats on an aircraft, and he must push himself out through an emergency exit.Safety is paramount, and it is important for aircrews to be ready for anything, said W. Scott Gallaway, commander, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade."We are deploying to Europe and some of our mission sets requires us to operate over water," Gallaway said. "The Helicopter Underwater Egress Training is a foundation for our aircrews because many have never received this training."The training provided the needed confidence and skills to safely escape from a submerged helicopter, said one Soldier who completed the training." I am not a really good swimmer, so the idea of being flipped upside down in the water made me nervous," said Pfc. Thomas Knight Hunter, UH-60 Black Hawk crew chief, Company C, 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade. "I was nervous about not being able to breathe or find an escape."Knight Hunter said he feels confident and ready should he ever need to use his new set of skills.While the training exposed most participants to water survival skills for the first time, it provided a refresher for others. The Soldiers also learned the basic principles and techniques for breathing compressed air underwater, as well as practicing bracing positions while submerged in the SWET chair.
View Sgt. Daphney's story at www.army.mil
UH-60 Black Hawk crew chief, Company C, 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, practices breathing compressed air during an underwater egress training (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Daphney Black)
Pilots and crews with the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade learn how to breathe compressed air using a scuba during Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Daphney Black)
Curious about how to pay for training? We commonly field questions regarding travel money and training money. We accept Army personnel into all of our training programs through three different purchasing vehicles - contract, Government Purchase Card (GPC), or via SF-182.
SSUSA provides AR 95-1 training for National Guard and Reserve units across all 50 states and in OCONUS locations for units unable to attend training at a military training facility or travel to our Groton Training Center in CT.
For units who have limited time and availability to send personnel on travel, we offer a Mobile Training Team option. Our personnel come to you and offer the same AR 95-1 compliant training, including Emergency Breathing System, but utilizing a Shallow Water Egress Trainer (SWET) instead of the full disorientation training in the Modular Egress Training Simulator (METS®).
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860-405-0002 * 888-386-5371
Survival Systems USA, Inc.
144 Tower Avenue Groton, CT 06340